Sunday, February 17, 2019

Lost of appointments

It has been a month since arriving at home and all is moving forward in a positive direction.  As we start to exit flu season and the dosages of the anti-rejection meds begin to taper Laura will be able to do more outside our home.  In the meantime the inhome cooking lessons are in full force.  On this occassion everyone making really good home made pizza.

Some work to do on the shaping of the dough.

The past few weeks have been filled with appointments ranging from a minor procedure, check up, consultations and a bronch.

In a prior post I discussed Laura having some liquid in the lung cavity.  Last week they drained that liquid without any difficulty or issue.  A simple outpatience procedure that took less than 30 minutes once they started.  The liquid that was drawn was clear and after testing showed no signs of any infections or other issues.  Great news.

We also completed the monthly check up which was positive.  Laura's FEV1 was at 104% of projected and all other number were trending upward and positive.  These numbers are a direct reflection on the effort that she is putting into her exercise regiment. 

The final procedure was the bronch. The last bronch showed signs of mold on the sutures, unfortunately after a month of treatment the mold was still there.  This means that Laura will continue to do the ampho treatments for 2+ hours a day.  Ugh. She was able to cycle off of other treatments so overall time hooked to a machine will diminish. Hopefully after another month of treatments this too will pass.

Thank you again for all the well wishes and thoughts.  
