Hello to all,
It has been a few weeks since I last provided an update. The delay has been due to the fact the process of identifing a living donor is moving. The Lung team wants to identify a qualified, approved living donor prior to listing Laura. We originally hoped that identifing a few possible donors would be enough but that is not the case.
A number of people have asked what is the process to be a donor. The first qualifier is blood type. O is the winner. You must be under the age of 70, have no past issues with melanoma, and completely vaccinated. If you pass those qualifiers you then go to blood a set of blood tests.
For those lucky enough to pass the above tests, you win a mostly expensed paid trip to Duke University for 2 days of testing!
Many have ask about how to start the process. Below is a link that outlines the process, without sarcasm, and provide a comprehensive overview of the donor process.
Hopefully in the coming weeks we will be able to move on to the listing phase. Laura's LAS score should be high and hopefully once listed we will move onto the next phase of the journey.
As always, thank you for all of the support, thoughts and prayers. The little notes and text are always appreciated.
Hope you are all well.
The Zs