Monday, March 28, 2016

Day One

Laura had a good night.  The team is very happy about her progress and continues to be amazed by how well she is doing. As you can see she looks great, a bit swollen but not nearly as much as you would think given the procedure.

This morning they placed the epidural and she is no longer intubated.  She was on the full oxygen mask for the first 4 hours after the removal and is now breathing with a normal cannula.  Amazing.  Over the next week she will use oxygen less and less. We were able to speak for a short bit and she is in great spirits. (Meds may have something to do with that).

The next week is about recovery.  Guest visits will be on hold for the next few days as her immune system has been broken down to counter rejection.  She is excited to speak and see everyone soon.  

The plan for the remainder of the day is rest and to take a walk in the afternoon.  More to come.  Thanks again for everything.


The Zs

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