Another busy week of appointments in and out of the hospital but I am happy to say that Laura continues to progress.
Last week was a tipping point. Over a 5 day period the swelling decreased dramatically. She was dropping 5lbs a day in water weight for multiple days in a row. The multiple daily walks (uphill) as well as the Lasix made the difference. They took her off the Lasix because of the stress it places on the Kidneys. Her Kidney numbers are elevated but with increased fluids and continued walking the numbers should come back to normal ranges.
The days are still consumed with apts and treatments at the flat. Once the Ampho is finished (3 more weeks) that will open up 2 hours a day. Multiple daily doctors apts will also free up massive amounts of time.
We did have some check ups and for the most part all went well. The notable news is that her FEV1 lung function is up to 85%. The technician made her do the test 17 times because early on she had an FEV1 of 90%. I think it is obvious that after 10 times it would be hard to replicate. Not sure the 17th try was going to nail it. Frustrating but they mean well.
Another bronchoscopy was on the fun list this week. To make it even better the anesthesia did not work and Laura was awake for most of it. This time they did take a small biopsy to make sure everything there were no signs of rejection. The results are all good.
There have been moments of normalcy this week. They are few and far between but they are glimmers of what we hope is to come.
Tonight we went for a long walk and had a conversation throughout. We found a hidden gem of Golden Gate Park, The Shakespeare Garden that neither of us knew about. Lining the edges of the garden were memorial benches, we read ever memorial note on every bench, thankful that we were able to do so. After we went out to dinner. Then evening was spectacular!