Friday, April 15, 2016

Busy week with a tune up

Tune up, it is the coming term used in the hospital when you are readmitted after a recent departure. We found this out on Tuesday when Laura was readmitted.

Over the weekend Laura was not improving and after labs on Monday it was found that her iron, sodium and red blood count were are going in the wrong direction.  When coupled with the vomiting and inability to get nutrients into the system if health begins to spiral downward. That was the impetus for the readmitted. 

On Tuesday they started IVs for iron and sodium as well as did a transfusion.  The transfusion was done to help increase the blood count ASAP but done with caution.  The concern was focused on the proteins in the blood that the immune system could identify and as foreign and then kick start her immune system.  This path of treatment has gone very well and you could see the difference within 24 hours.  Correct these issues will also help the swelling and other issues subside in the coming days and weeks.

Laura has had pain in her arms while having her blood pressure check and to be safe the doctors had started ultrasounds to check for blood clots.  They have not found any in her arms and legs over the past three weeks but they did find one in her neck.  They have continued treatment of IV heparin to thin the blood and hopefully prevent any issues.  They will continue to monitor over the next few days prior to making a final decision on next steps. They may chose to a program of heparin shots at home for a extended period of time.  This is a VERY painful injection that Laura would have to do on a daily basis.  

The past two days have been better.  The iron, sodium and transfusion has made the difference that was hoped for.  Yesterday Laura was eating solid food and walking the floor. Today she walked the floor pushing the IV tree by herself and did so at a great pace. Hopefully after a few more days on IV we will be on the right track.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend.

Thank you for the kind cards and notes.

The Zs'

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