Friday, December 7, 2018


It has been a good week.  Laura is making lots of progress in her walks and starting to build strength and endurance.  She is now up to over a 1/4 mile per walk and is active in the house.  This is also has a significant impact on the edema and helps to keep the swelling down. This recover has been a night and day different in that regard.

With the bronch they did find some infection and we will start to treat that immediately.  We are still waiting on the specifics but it will be oral antibiotics not IV and she will not be readmitted for this. Hopefully this is just a mild case and will react well to the meds.

The days are still filled with treatments.  2 hours on Ampho (one hour in the morning, one hour in the evening). Plus the other treatments to strengthen her lungs...etc.  All the work is paying off and her progress is good.  At clinic they were all very pleased with her progress.

There is another bronch next week, on her birthday (the birthday present everyone wants) and normal lab visits in the mornings.  After next week I believe the next bronch will be in January.  

Thank you again for the cards, calls, texts, comments...etc.

The Z's

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