Saturday, May 1, 2021

Hello to all,
A delayed update, apologies.
Laura is progressing well in her workouts with the PT team. She is now walking 20-25 with no stopping and then jumps on the bike for another 20, of course with plenty of supplemental oxygen. The PT is very pleased with the progress and has progressed to the independent class as she no longer needs the guidance.
Laura is progressing well in her workouts with the PT team. She is now walking 20-25 with no stopping and then jumps on the bike for another 20, of course with plenty of supplemental oxygen. The PT is very pleased with the updates and has progressed to the group class as she no longer needs the guidance.
We spent a full day with the medical team last week for a complete review. All is good, except for Laura's creatinine numbers. This is a measure of kidney function. Given all the meds that she is on, some adjustments are being made. We hope the numbers will lower soon by lowering some of the antirejection drugs and other medications that address edema.
Correcting this issue will be the focus. She will not be listed with high creatinine numbers, and we are hoping to avoid a kidney transplant.
The other news is that we will finally move out of the hotel!!! We found a great place on the top floor of a new building (w elevators). Great light, big outdoor space that will be great until the bugs of summer arrive.
Durham has been great. The food is amazing. Laura and I are both hitting our weight gain goals. We found a delicious French Bakery and had cream puffs and chocolate croissants for breakfast. Healthy living!
Thank you all for the support. Appreciate everything you all do.
Kevin and Laura

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