Sunday, December 19, 2021

Back in Durham and moving forward

 We made it back to Durham! Another great cross-country trip. SmartLess, thanks for helping us make it across for the third time in 6 months.

We had a full day of appointments at Duke with the surgeon and the head of the pulmonary department this week. All of the initial tests were positive and the plan will be to list Laura on Dec. 31st for her third double lung transplant.

Prior to listing, she will spend one night in the hospital in order to be desensitized to a new antibiotic that will give her more protection from infections through the surgery. We have a number of meetings this week as well. All are just part of the process and all positive steps in the right direction. More to come.

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and have the opportunity to spend time with friends and family.

The Zs