Wednesday, September 26, 2018

We Made the List! Again

It was August 16, 2015 that we first made the list for a lung transplant.  Today, Laura was placed back on the list for re-transplant.

The first journey allowed for a slow decline that enabled us to really prepare for what it meant to have a double lung transplant.  The last 80 days have not prepared us.  We know it HAS to be done but the speed at which this all changed is still stunning but we are now in the midst of it.  We will start looking to rent a place, get all the details in order so that when the call comes we are ready.

As for the events of today. Today's bronch showed lots of issues, as expected.  The Dr did say it wasn't terrible, so we will take that as good.  The fact that there was issues lead to three IV antibiotic drips and a new drip for fungus (not uncommon in CF patients).   This will go on for multiple days.  Hopefully we will see some beginning changes in the next 24 hours. 

Laura will remain in the hospital until early next week.  If the IVs are working she could go home on IV antibiotics to continue the treatments. We will just wait.

Long day, short post.

Thanks for all the love and support.

The Z's

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