Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Summer Cold

Well we thought we were making good progress and then the house caught a summer cold. For what ever reason the cold this season packed a punch.  After a day or two we knew that this was not the cold that was going to go away and made the call to the doctors.  After a few conversations, they put Laura back on IV antibiotics and increased oxygen to 4 lpm (liters per minute). This round will be a 3 week track of IV Meropenem and oral Cipro.

After the cold went into her chest, the coughing attacks were just brutal.  Not only are they hard deep coughs they last for what seems like forever. 10,15,30 min attacks that sap whatever energy and reserves Laura has.  

This week has been one of the hardest ever.  It is a battle of wills.  Laura's mental strength vs. her bodies consistent attacks on itself.  The constant fight takes its toll as at the time it seems like it will not get better.  It is a 24/7 fight that slowly beats you down and makes you wonder if the body will make it to a transplant.

Today is day five of this round of antibiotics.  We used to see a dramatic effect of IV within a day or two.  Over the last year as the disease has progressed the results are delayed and diminished.  Hopefully as the cold subsides the IV will take effect and in another week or so we will be back on track.

Thank you all for the wishes, prayers, emails, comments...etc. We warmly and gladly accept them all and they do fuel us.  

Love The Zs'

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