Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Lots of tests

A big week of testing.  Today Laura had here first FEV1 test, this is the standard measure for lung capacity, and she blew an 82.  A great first number after the transplant.  I have not gone back through the blogs to see where she was before but the team was happy with the result.

The blood tests came back all within range and  her kidney numbers have come back into a normal range.  Given the amount of meds that she is and has been on monitoring and managing the kidney numbers is very important.

As for the exercise, Laura is crushing it. She walked 1.5+ miles yesterday, tackling the streets and hills of Russian Hill and North Beach.  With all of the exercise, the edema is well under control and we are approaching the end of any issues.

On the eve of Laura's birthday we actually made it out to eat in SF.  We were the first table to be seated (needed to avoid the crowds).

A few things to think about here.  This was the first time since early September that Laura ate outside of the hospital or the apt (last 10 days).  This was her first time in regular clothing (swelling, pain...etc. all made dressing beyond a hospital gown and sweats too much).  A great pre-bday outing to Don Pistos in North Beach.

Tomorrow is a bronch and then some well deserved relaxation.


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