Tuesday, November 27, 2018


This evening they released Laura from the hospital! 

After removing 2 of the 3 tubes yesterday, they removed the final chest tube today and said get out.  Given that her edema was good and that her balance and ability to walk were strong they thought it was fine for her to go to the apt.

Leaving the hospital this evening was the first time in over 70 days that she has been out of the hospital.  Clean, fresh air was a welcomed change.  

We are staying in Russian Hill near our old apt. so ZA Pizza was the homecoming meal of choice.  Still a solid pie.

Now that phase 1 is behind us we are on to phase 2, recovery.  Building strength and endurance is the goal for the next 6-8 weeks in SF.  Short walks multiple times a day is the start and we will work up to longer walks around the city. 

Tonight she will work through the new meds.  The first time we went through this everyone was a bit overwhelmed by the number of meds, 25+ pills.  For those going through this for the first time, it will become second nature.  For the care giver, make a copy of the medication sheet and keep it in your purse or wallet.  There will be times when you need to reference it and it is best to have it handy. 

The routine will likely change a dozen times before we leave as her body recovers and then continue to be optimized going forward.  Change is ok.  Doses will go up and down, the kidneys will have issues and you will work through them.  Don't panic.  

Amazing day for all.  Thank you again for all the support, emails, txts, cards..etc.  Sorry we have not been able to respond quickly but we do read everything and share all the communications.

The Z's

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