Sunday, November 11, 2018

This sucks!

Day XX.  It may be day 45 or 50, I really don't know but I do know it sucks.  Laura is a champ, grinding it out.  I can't put enough emphasis on the grinding.  Everyday she fights to keep it all moving ahead.  There is an end in sight but at times it is not visible.   ICU is not the St. Regis or a good Best Western for that matter.  It is taking its toll.

I was going to do an infographic on this journey.  Miles driven each day (48.2), ave pace( 35mph but feels like -50)... hours in the car (too many), just something different to show the journey.  ((New stat, how many dumb asses can stall on the Bay Bridge after midnight on the same night?  (BTW, jackass in the '94 Jaguar tonight, did you really think it would make it. You drive a 90's Jag.))  That probably eliminates me from the loan list on the new electric Jag). Then I realized I it would be an exercise in ugh.  The ughs at times seem to outweigh everything else and today the ughs had the advantage.

Everything builds up to make everything harder.  Add a less than comforting nurse to the mix and that just adds to the suckiness.  (BTW, UCSF nurses rock!  We have had soooooo many amazing nurses, this one is just an outlier.  We really can't say enough about the nurses and the greater team.) Today was just hard.

Blood gases (CO2) went up pass 80 for the first time.  Not a surprise but still adds to the suck of the day.  Hopefully more time on bipap will change that. Kidney numbers stayed at 1.7.  More fluids were the focus of the day, we will see the results tomorrow and hopefully we can continue to drive the numbers down.  She had one blood sugar incident that was remedied quickly.

I did find a few photos that changed my spirits.

Hopefully we can re-transplant soon.  #teamlaura is ready.

Cheers All,

The Zs

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