Sunday, October 14, 2018

Trying to find consistancy

Another short updated as it is late.

We started back on BiPAP on Friday night with limited success.  It is a very weird sensation as a massive amounts of air push through your nose as people are telling you to relax and it will be ok.  There are a number of feelings associated with the BiPAP machine including claustrophobia to add to the experience.  That said it can be great!

Saturday became a practice day and Laura worked to relaxed with the device in place. Saturday night ended up being a success.  After she was comfortable she was able to relax and have one of the better nights sleep in a while.  90 BPM and 100% oxygen saturation. Good sleep is so hard in the hospital and yet it changes everything when you can get it. 

The BiPap is just for maintenance.  It can not restore and lung function it is simply trying to make breathing at nigh as easy as possible enabling good sleep and the reduction of calorie burn.

We are now in full cal counting mode trying to average 2000-2100 cals consumed per day.  The key is a single 10 oz cup of coffee malt that is over 700 cals per serving.  The BiPAP makes calorie burn diminish greatly.  Laura's focus on grinding through a meal is adding up. She actually gained weight yesterday!

With all that has been going on, we know we are near the very top of the list for the region.  We are now just waiting. 
More to come.

Thanks again.
The Z's

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