Sunday, November 25, 2018

Continued Progress

Laura is on the mends!

She is continuing to improve daily.  Her walks have increased to two laps of 10L (800') multiple times a day.  She spends more time sitting now than in the bed. All the rights steps to moving on.

She still has two chest tubes in and a third drainage line from the heart area.  They continue to produce less fluid by the hour which is a good step toward release.  The goal is to remove all three lines this week.  Once that is done she will be set free.  As we approach the 70 day mark this, fresh air and day light will be a welcome change. 

Once released we will be in SF for another 6-8 weeks.  Given the daily appointments we must be in SF and cannot cross the bridge.  Thankfully we were finally able to secure housing via friends.  Thank you all for the assistance in making that happen. To those friends a huge thanks for allowing this to happen.

As we get the paperwork started for the foundation, housing is a major issue to be addressed.  We have been lucky in both occasions to find a solution but it is difficult given the great Bay Area market.  Hotels and rentals are expensive. Hopefully we will be able to defer some costs for other CF and lung patients in the future.

We hope everyone had a great holiday.  Let's get the kids back to school!


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