With some luck we will be out of the hospital tomorrow. A well deserved and needed respite for Laura. A bath and her own bed with a full night of sleep will be a welcomed change.
We have a solution for high flow oxygen and we have a stable IRI level. IV antibiotics were delivered today and the high flow oxygen should be delivered tomorrow. All goes well we will be home in time for the RedSox to close out the ALDS.
In speaking with on of the doctors this afternoon he informed me that we did move up the list. We are now at 59. He thought that there we only a couple of people above 55 in the region, so we are close.
Coming home means more than just a bath and her own bed. Having the ability to see E at home and to mentally prepare for the transplant is important. Two weeks ago we went into clinic for a regular appointment and we admitted.
For CF patients that read this blog you have probably been here and understand how much it can matter. It is a shock to the system. It raising all the fears and concerns that the disease carries, couple that with a second transplant and some time to prepare is important.
Thank you for the recipes for shakes. I forgot to mention we can't have Vit K so bye bye Kale. Seems to be the staple in most shakes. Potassium has also made the list due to interactions with one of the many drugs.
As always thanks for the comments, posts, emails, txt, phone message on the land line #oldschool and general well wishes.
The Z's
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